How do I turn video footage into an MPEG file?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brad
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Hi,Can anyone explain in simple terms how I save my video
footage into an MPEG file? As it only seems to save into
Movie Maker file format which is not accepted by all
other media players.
Hi Brad,

First note that you need to save the movie from menu File > Save Movie File
.... or from the task bar on the left select one of the choices under section
3. Finish Movie.

Yu can save the movie in either WMV or AVI formats both of these formats
would be playable in any media player on computer.

However to make a MPEG file or DVD, even these movie formats would need
further processing using an external software that came with your DVD

I have attempted to explain it on my website:
As Rohan said, you have to use another software to convert into a DVD
format... I bought Ulead wanting to use it for both editing and dvd saving.
I was looking for this, as I have the same problem. We bought a new DVD
player and I have burned my home movies to a CD and hoped to be able to watch
them on the TV screen. I can watch my still digital images, they play as
slideshow, but it does not play any of my movies. I have tried saving them as
..avi files, but it did not help. I am very disappointed, I was here looking
for a method to do this, and now I see that it is impossible.
Hello there,

Your least complicated route would be to buy a program that does it all
in one....such a program would take your standard DV-AVI output (Thats as
good as MM gets) import it and then give you option for creating a DVD
(Assuming you have a DVD burner that is)...I use Dazzle DVD Complete which
is apparently only available now via download...others like MyDVD.....

If you take this route you are not required to have any technical
knowledge above the basic..put disk in drive etc.....there are other routes
you can take....they do tend to come under the banner of "Computer
Nerds"...such people take pride (rightly so) of getting that extra little
bit out of the it is with all things, learn to walk before you
decide to run!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly