XP ignores whatever setting that you have for Num Lock in the BIOS.
Windows will remember the status of Num Lock key and enable it on the next
boot. If Num Lock is on when the machine is shutdown, then Num Lock will be
on when the machine is next started. If Num Lock is off when the machine is
shutdown, then Num Lock will be off when the machine is next started.
You can change settings in the key below, all you want. But, Windows will
remember the status of Num Lock key and enable it that way on the next boot.
Toggling the Num Lock key toggles the value from 0 to 2 in the registry key
below. But the data isn't written to the registry key until you log off or
HKEY CURRENT USER\Control Panel\Keyboard
Value Name: InitialKeyboardIndicators
Value Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: 0 or 2
0 = Windows XP turns NUMLOCK off when it starts.
2 = Windows XP turns NUMLOCK on when it starts.
[[Change method
To change the value of this entry, press the NUMLOCK key on your keyboard.]]
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User