D Doug Robbins - Word MVP May 20, 2010 #2 Press the Fn button. Maybe it is stuck? -- Hope this helps. Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my services on a paid consulting basis. Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via msnews.microsoft.com
Press the Fn button. Maybe it is stuck? -- Hope this helps. Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my services on a paid consulting basis. Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via msnews.microsoft.com
B BryteEyez Joined Jun 28, 2011 Messages 1 Reaction score 0 Jun 28, 2011 #3 Laptoploser01 said: my laptop is stuck on blue function keys. how do turn them off? Click to expand... I had the same problem, (because I am a Mac user essentially.). If I held down the Blue Fn button I could get regular letters. I searched "Ask Leo" he suggested to press the "Num Lk" key. It worked!! Hope it helps!
Laptoploser01 said: my laptop is stuck on blue function keys. how do turn them off? Click to expand... I had the same problem, (because I am a Mac user essentially.). If I held down the Blue Fn button I could get regular letters. I searched "Ask Leo" he suggested to press the "Num Lk" key. It worked!! Hope it helps!