How do I turn off System Restore?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Russell
  • Start date Start date
Right Click on the "My Computer" icon on desktop.

Click on the "System Restore" tab

Click "Turn off System Restore on all drives"


"Hope this helps"

| Can anyone tell me how to turn of the XP System Restore?
To turn-off System Restore:

Right-click on MY COMPUTER and select:
Properties > System Restore , make your settings
selections and click "apply".
start>settings>control panel> selelc system applet
now in system properties dialog box.
select system restore tab
in this tab of system restore
check on turn off system restore.
I just asked the same question, and I found the answer.
Check Microsoft Knowledge Base article 310405 on how to do
it. It's easy. Go to Start-My Computer-Properties-System
Restore tab, and their is a box to check/uncheck.