How do I trun off casini web server?



I've got a website developed in VS2005 that works fine on my local dev
machine using the casini server, but when I publish it to the web, which is
using IIS (ASP.NET 2.0) it is flipping out. It's a multi threaded app and it
is doing really unpredictable things and eventually crashing IIS. I cannot
figure out how to switch my dev environment back to IIS so I can rule out
that difference. Can somebody help?


Juan T. Llibre

To specify the Web server for an already-created Web site,
open your local website with VS.NET and, in the Solution Explorer,
right-click the name of the Web site for which you want
to specify a Web server, and then click Property Pages.

In the Property Pages dialog box, click the Start Options tab.
Under Server, click "Use custom server".

In the Base URL box, type the URL that Visual Web Developer
should start when running the current Web site.

You can use localhost, your machine name, or an assigned domain name for your IP.

From that point on, the VS.NET IDE will not use the internal web server,
but will use IIS to open your pages, i.e., if you are working on default.aspx,
it will be opened as : http://localhost/default.aspx .

Juan T. Llibre, MVP : faq :
foros de, en español :

Bruce Barker

you may also need to switch to a multiproc machine to detect threading
issues. also running the debugger with .net effects how threads run (a
breakpoint in one, breaks the other because the vm is stalled).

-- bruce (

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