How do I transfer outlook mail to someone else?



I am the membership chair of an international nonprofit organization and am
now leaving that role. The organization did not supply me with a computer,
userid, internet access, etc., I used my own. I am now leaving that position
and somebody else will be taking over the responsibilities. While I am able
to transfer the various data file I don't know how to transfer all the emails
(several thousand) that have come to me and been carefully saved in probably
over 100 folders and subfolders under Personal Folders in Outlook 2007.

My question is how can I either export all this email which resides in a
single subfolder and then many subfolders under that?

I do have an older computer that I can use to move do the work and not
disturb what is on my personal computer so if necessary (and if somebody
tells this monkey what keys to push) I can export all of my outlook back to
the older computer and then strip away all of my personal files or do
something like that.

If the next person does not have outlook the organization is willing to
provide it for them so compatibility shouldn't be a problem (although it
would be nice to make it compatible with as older a version as possible to
make it more universally available).

I know this is a long and detailed question but I'm hoping some good soul
here will be able to help.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

copy your .pst file to an external media like a usb stick. Then use that
usb stick to copy the file to the new person's computer. On the new
person's computer, open Outlook then File->Open->Outlook Data File...
migrate to where you copied it (hopefully My Documents for easy backup) and
open the file.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, MOCNA asked:

| I am the membership chair of an international nonprofit organization
| and am now leaving that role. The organization did not supply me
| with a computer, userid, internet access, etc., I used my own. I am
| now leaving that position and somebody else will be taking over the
| responsibilities. While I am able to transfer the various data file
| I don't know how to transfer all the emails (several thousand) that
| have come to me and been carefully saved in probably over 100 folders
| and subfolders under Personal Folders in Outlook 2007.
| My question is how can I either export all this email which resides
| in a single subfolder and then many subfolders under that?
| I do have an older computer that I can use to move do the work and not
| disturb what is on my personal computer so if necessary (and if
| somebody tells this monkey what keys to push) I can export all of my
| outlook back to the older computer and then strip away all of my
| personal files or do something like that.
| If the next person does not have outlook the organization is willing
| to provide it for them so compatibility shouldn't be a problem
| (although it would be nice to make it compatible with as older a
| version as possible to make it more universally available).
| I know this is a long and detailed question but I'm hoping some good
| soul here will be able to help.

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