How do I transfer a Power Point presentation to be played on DVD



I'm using Power Point 2003, Nero Express 6
Some people recomend Camtasia to convert the presentation to DVD without
loosing animation or resolution. Others recomend Dvd Maker.
I already has a software call Nero Express 6, but i still need somenthing to
convert my presentation into a movie format to insert it into Nero.
I still dont fill satisfy.

We are specifically looking for a dvd software with these features:

1. Converting from power point slides to a DVD format, maintaining the
effects and resolution of the original.
2. With audio (voice over) insertion
3. To implement movie clips
4. To implement music insertion
5. Being able to program the timing of the slides with the audio.
6. The ability to create an introduction and an ending to the DVD

Please advise regarding a program that would meet our expectations.

I dont' know is the best would be imputting the audio voice over of an hour
lenght in power point presentation, create my introduction and ending, add a
little video still mantaining the resolution and music to different areas.
And then converted in to a DVD format. Or Use camtasia created my
presentation into a dvd format add it into nero , add another movie clip,
begging video and ending video with music and format it as a DVD.
Please advise regarding this questions I realy apreciated.

Thank You, Rima

Troy @ TLC Creative

There are a number of factors that can effect the process used:
1 - Does the presentation have a lot of animation?
2 - Is the presentation primarily a number of still images with animations
that can be achieved by breaking content into numerous slides and using a
fade transition to be the animation effect (think of building bulleted text
across several slides)?
3 - What quality and size is needed?
4 - How much time is available for production?
5 - What is your budget for software?

If you do not have a lot of fast paced animation, refer to these solutions: The downside of screen capture
can be low quality images and missed animation (not able to capture at the
needed FPS). My prefered application for screen capture is Camtasia.

If you do not have a lot of animation and do have some production time, go
with Glenna's example of exporting all slides as images and importing them
into another application. In your scenario you would want to import into a
video editing application to add the movies and soundtrack. Preferably one
with multiple audio tracks so you can have the narration on one track and
music on another (Camtasia can also be used for this scenario).

If you want super high quality video, that literally does a frame-by-frame
video of the presentation, but is one of the more expensive applications,
look at OfficeFX Professional edition and its PUBLISH TO VIDEO option (you
can turn off all of the 3D effects and just use it to capture your
presentation at true DVD quality).

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