Nothing was mentioned on the brands of disc...
You'll find sometimes burning CD's at too high a speed will creat
errors, may play OK on the device that did it but not others
DVD's are a different kettle of fish... You'll find some that wil
work OK on some machines and not others this is due to the dye colou
of the laser pick up or 'optical block' they are known as, and they d
loose their emission, don't forget these things has to focus as wel
in all directions
Obviously any dust on the laser lens could create a play on some
skipping or no go problems... one way to check a DVD for lase
trouble is to insert an audio disc.....! Sometimes you'll find the
won't play a DVD but have no problems with a audio CD
I know this was off topic since you are after some programme to d
this, but they do not tell you the Quality of the disc only th
Have look here and see if it'll help-
The only test really is a known good CD & DVD brand and to stic
to the