Dear Mathews,
One again: You have a contact folder with 2.600 contacts and (for example)
only 100 contacts are are different to the boss
You boss have also a contact folder with 2.700 contacts and (for example)
200 contacts are are different to your and both of you don´t know which are
the different contacts. Now, both of you want to have 2.900 same contacts in
your personal contact folders.
Once I have the shared folder as my folder, can it also be his?
This is a question that you can ask after you have one folders as a shared
contact folder with the updated contacts. Please one step after the other.
Is there an easier way or should I just plan on spending time checking
you could send an email to (e-mail address removed) and I can send you a
small tool which clicks for you on the "ignore" button or you purchase a
software that checks the dupes if you would get dupes:
I just want to be sure I do not mess up his contacts.
As long you do everything in a shared contact folder your personal contact
are still available without any dupes and you wouldn´t mess up his contacts.
What I would do:
I would create the shared additional contact folder
I would COPY my contacts into this shared contact folder
My boss would COPY his contacts into this shared contact folder
With the small tool of us, this tool would click on "ignore" in order to
avoid dupes.
Normally you would have now an actual shared and migrated contact folder.
Now I would move my existing personal contacts into an archive folder and
would copy the contacts of the shared contact folder into my empty personal
contact folder. My boss do the same. Thats it as the first target, if I must
do it.
I would also invest 50$ for my boss for an Outlook training to tell him what
are categories and how to structure my contacts. ;-)