The best way to explain it, is to show you what i "thought" should work and
hope that you can show me a way to make it work please and thanks...
string ingredients = "pepper,salt,eggs";
strSql += " AND ingredients IN @pIngredients";
string[] myList = ingredients.Split(',');
sda.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIngredients", myList);
the error is: System.ArgumentException: No mapping exists from object type
System.String[] to a known managed provider native type.
hope that you can show me a way to make it work please and thanks...
string ingredients = "pepper,salt,eggs";
strSql += " AND ingredients IN @pIngredients";
string[] myList = ingredients.Split(',');
sda.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIngredients", myList);
the error is: System.ArgumentException: No mapping exists from object type
System.String[] to a known managed provider native type.