how do I strip spaces and replace with dashes

  • Thread starter Thread starter rlj
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I have several item numbers that have various spaces
1234 5678 A
and I want to strip the spaces and replace with dashes
I have several item numbers that have various spaces
1234    5678  A
and I want to strip the spaces and replace with dashes

Open table in datasheet view, highlight the column. Ctrl+H to bring
replace dialog box. Put space in find box and put - in replace with.
select partial instead of whole field.
I have several item numbers that have various spaces
1234 5678 A
and I want to strip the spaces and replace with dashes

I'd do this in two stages: one to replace all the strings of multiple blanks
with a single blank:

Update Tablename
SET ItemNumber = Replace([ItemNumber], " ", " ")
WHERE ItemNumber LIKE "* *";

This finds all instances where there are two consecutive blanks and replaces
them by one blank. Run it two or three times until no such records are left.

Then replace the blanks:

UPDATE Tablename
SET ItemNumber = Replace([ItemNumber], " ", "-")
WHERE ItemNumber LIKE "* *";


next, create a new module

Public Function RemoveLotsOfSpaces(ByRef data As String) As String
Dim arr
Dim i As Long
arr = Split(data, " ")
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If arr(i) <> "" Then
arr(i) = arr(i) & "-"
End If
Next i
RemoveLotsOfSpaces = Join(arr, "")
End Function

Next create a new query (of course change the names to what they really are)
I assume you have a FieldName and a NewFieldName in your table - you want to
put the contents of FieldName into NewFieldsName with the spaces replaced by -

UPDATE tablename SET tablename.newfieldname =

Hope this helps
I have several item numbers that have various spaces
1234    5678  A
and I want to strip the spaces and replace with dashes

Here's a brute force method:

Public Function OneOrMoreBlanksToHyphen(varIn As Variant) As Variant
Dim strTemp As String
Dim intFirstBlank As Integer
Dim strOut As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim intBlanksSkipped As Integer

OneOrMoreBlanksToHyphen = varIn
If IsNull(varIn) Then Exit Function
strTemp = Trim(CStr(varIn)) 'Trimmed
If Len(strTemp) = 0 Then Exit Function
intFirstBlank = InStr(1, strTemp, " ", vbTextCompare)
If intFirstBlank = 0 Then Exit Function
strTemp = CStr(varIn) 'Untrimmed
I = 1
Do While I <= Len(strTemp)
'Skip initial blanks, but add to output string
Do While MID(strTemp, I, 1) = " " And I <= Len(strTemp)
strOut = strOut & MID(strTemp, I, 1)
I = I + 1
Do While I <= Len(strTemp)
'Skip nonblanks, but add to output string
Do While MID(strTemp, I, 1) <> " " And I <= Len(strTemp)
strOut = strOut & MID(strTemp, I, 1)
I = I + 1
'At a blank
'Skip blank and following blanks
intBlanksSkipped = 0
Do While MID(strTemp, I, 1) = " " And I <= Len(strTemp)
I = I + 1
intBlanksSkipped = intBlanksSkipped + 1
'Only replace the set of blanks if they are not at the end
If I < Len(strTemp) + 1 Then
strOut = strOut & "-"
strOut = strOut & String(intBlanksSkipped, " ")
End If
OneOrMoreBlanksToHyphen = strOut
End Function

Note: I only did superficial testing, but it seems to do what you

James A. Fortune
(e-mail address removed)

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