The part of the database I'm having this problem with is for lesson
plans. I work at a Canadian Forces trade school. I have very little
training on Access, so if I say anything stupid, give you too
much/not enough/wrong info, or don't understand something . . . my
apologies in advance.
I built the main form with a series of 4 unbound combo boxes that use
VBA to limit subsequent combo boxes. The sources are a query
(qryLessonPlans) that accesses three different tables. The first
combo selects a course from table #1 (CrseData), then the 2nd and 3rd
boxes select phase of the course and main topic from table #2
(POData), and the last box selects a specific subject from table #3
(EOData). These selections result in an unbound list box that shows
a unique subject code from table #3. This code is the Master Field.
The SQL for the list box is:
FROM qryLessonPlans
WHERE (((qryLessonPlans.cdCrse)=[Combo16].[value]) AND
((qryLessonPlans.poPhase)=[Combo18].[value]) AND
((qryLessonPlans.poPONumber)=[Combo20].[value]) AND
The subform in question (sbfPresentations) is based on a query
(qryPresentations). The subforms's Child Field is a unique lesson
code, which uses the same subject code as is in the Master Field, but
adds 1-5 characters at the end. The SQL for qryPresentations is:
SELECT [qryLessonPlans].[eoPOEOID], [10tblLessons].[lTP],
[10tblLessons].[lTPDesc], [10tblLessons].[lLessonID],
[10tblLessons].[lLessonName], [10tblLessons].[lLessonDesc],
[10tblLessons].[lPeriods], [10tblLessons].[lSlides],
[10tblLessons].[lDatePost], [10tblLessons].[lDateReview],
[10tblLessons].[lAuthor], [10tblLessons].[lReviewer],
[10tblLessons].[lNotes], [10tblLessons].[lSlide],
[10tblLessons].[lLessonLink], [10tblLessons].[lDocLink],
FROM (05tblEOData INNER JOIN qryLessonPlans ON
[05tblEOData].[eoPOEOID]=[qryLessonPlans].[eoPOEOID]) INNER JOIN
10tblLessons ON ([05tblEOData].[eoPOEOID]=[10tblLessons].[eoPOEOID])
AND ([qryLessonPlans].[eoPOEOID]=[10tblLessons].[eoPOEOID]);
I tried changing the opening from SELECT to SELECT DISTINCT, but
there are memo, OLE, and hyperlink fields. I tried removing those
fields from the query and having the form draw them straight from the
table, but they won't play that way.