relationship = one buyer to many purchases. Report is summary of buyer
purchases. Number of purchases and total purchased. The number of purchases
is calculated "=Count([Lot Info]![Lot No])" , the total purchase is
calculated "=Sum([Price])"
How can I make the report sort by descending total purchases? By descending
total lots?
To get the information to report one total line sorting and grouping is set
to group by buyer number, group ascending. group on each value, interval =1,
keep together = whole group.
purchases. Number of purchases and total purchased. The number of purchases
is calculated "=Count([Lot Info]![Lot No])" , the total purchase is
calculated "=Sum([Price])"
How can I make the report sort by descending total purchases? By descending
total lots?
To get the information to report one total line sorting and grouping is set
to group by buyer number, group ascending. group on each value, interval =1,
keep together = whole group.