You can definitely do this. To hook into the Send event, see this article:
Eric Legault My Eggo : Getting a Handle on Your E-mails with VBA:
Getting specific signature text to insert can be achieved with this function
- replace the signature file name with one you know exists:
Function GetSignatureText() As String
Dim objFS As New Scripting.FileSystemObject, objTS As Scripting.TextStream
Dim objF As Scripting.Folder, strSysDrive As String
Dim strUserName As String, strSigText As String
Set objF = objFS.GetSpecialFolder(0)
strSysDrive = Left(objF, 1)
strUserName = FindUserName
Set objTS = objFS.OpenTextFile(strSysDrive & ":\Documents and Settings\"
& strUserName & "\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures\Work.txt" _
, ForReading, False)
strSigText = objTS.ReadAll
End Function
But ultimately you need to parse out the uniquely named .rtf, .txt and .html
files in that folder to present the user with a list of signatures. Then
take the selection to call a modified function like the one above to return
the actual text. Then append that value to the MailItem.Body property.