I assume you want to print 1 or more sheets of the same content in each
label, correct?
If so, and the same info will regularly be used, enter the information in
the large Mailing Address field you will find in Tools>Options>User
Information. Other wise...
Go to Tools>Letters & Mailings>Envelopes & Labels. If you didn't do the
above or if this is for 'once only', put the address info in here. If you
_did_ do the above and want to use that info, just check the box for 'Use
return address', then click the Options button. Make sure Avery Standard is
selected in the Label Products: list, then locate & select the one you want,
click OK.
Be certain 'Full page of the same label' is selected, then click the Print
button or click the New Document button which you can save & reprint as often
as needed.
HTH |:>)