How do I set up if/then formulas in Excel?



How do I write a formula for Excel to read the value in a cell that will be
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. and respond with a corellating day.

For example, "Today is Monday, this report is due Thursday". I realize
Monday and Thursday will be represented in their own cells.

Thank you!

Bob Phillips

="Report due on "&TEXT(A1,"dddd")

where A1 is your date.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


we need more info.How are the days "stored" Are they typed monday tuesday etc
or do they represent a real excel date formatted as dddd.?

Roger Govier


With an Excel date in cell A1 which is a Monday e.g. 20/02/2006 then
="Today is "&TEXT(A1,"dddd")&", this report is due "&TEXT(A1+3,"dddd")


The days will be manually typed in each morning. It's just a basic 2-line
entry that will say
Today is MONDAY (or whatever that day is) February 20 2006
72 hour reports for THURSDAY February 23 2006 are due today
We can manually enter the day/date on the first line, but I want excel to
automatically calculate the day/date of the reports that are due on the
second line.

Thanks Paul!


Bob, thanks for your reply, but I'm afraid I'm too much of a novice to make
your instructions work for the calculation.


Hi Roger, thanks for your reply!

I tried what you suggested, but I'm getting a #VALUE! error. Would you
please break this down for me? Thank you for your patience with this novice!
I obviously need a training class!



rose,cell A1 must ontain a proper excel date.In a1 type =today().Cell A1 will
now always shows todays date,and rogers formula will always show a report is
due in 3 days from today

Roger Govier

Hi Rose

As Paul pointed out, you need to have a valid Excel date entered into
cell A1.
(If I type 20.02.2006 in cell A1, I also get a #VALUE error.)
I chose 20/02/2006 for next Monday's date. Do ensure it is not a Text
representation of the date.
Highlight cell A1, then Format>Cells>Number>Date and highlight the 3rd
option down which shows 14/03/2001
Now enter 20/02/2006 in the cell (or, whatever the format is for your
regional settings)

To provide a result exactly the same as your second post to Paul, then
use the following formula

="Today is "&TEXT(A1,"dddd")&" "&TEXT(A1,"mmmm dd yyyy")
& CHAR(10)& "72 hour reports for " &UPPER(TEXT(A1+3,"dddd"))
&" "&TEXT(A1+3,"mmmm dd yyyy")&" are due today"

I have deliberately forced line breaks into the formula to allow it to
come out more clearly in this posting. The formula is really just one
continuous entry.

If you format the cell in which you post the formula with line wrap on,
then it will show on 2 lines as you requested, once you widen the
Format>Cells>Alignment>Wrap text


If you are going to type the date each morning then why not make it
completetly the first line (cell) type =TODAY() and format
the cell as dddd to show the day, in the second line (cell) type ="72 hour
reports for "&TEXT(TODAY()+3,"ddd mmm dd, yyyy")&" is due today"

But what about the weekend? Does saturday and sunday count in the 72 hours?


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