which version if you have home basic home premium, there is no way to get a
fax software, you have to have business or ultimate edition, that is another
way microsft screu*x us up again, i got one for 19.95 at
or just check the general newsgroup for vista if the address is incorrect,
plus if you go with them you can try there software which is designed for xp
and vista, you can try it for 30 days to make sure it works well, and you
like it.
Jonathan Perreault
Personnal Advice To You:
#1: Do Not Undermine Windows's Work, Or It'll Undermine You As A User.
#2: Torture Windows (Any) Now Before It Tortures You
Best Comments From Users:
No Matter The Problem Even With Linux, It's Microsoft's And Windows's Faults
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.