You use Computer Management to do this - right click My
Computer/manage. For details got to Help/index - "local users" and you will
find plenty of info. Make sure that you do not add anybody to the
"administrators" group, that you do not want to change major settings on the
computer [though unfortuneatley you may find that some tasks or applications
may not run unless you are in administrators group]- but beware that it is
not hard to hack the administrator account and how you want to handle that
possibility with your family is up to you. There is a utility called
shutdown that you would have to download and use with Scheduled Tasks to
shut the computer down at a certain time. However all a user would have to
do is turn computer back on unless you want to password protect computer
boot up with a cmos password and make sure that the cover of the case can
not be removed. But then you run the risk of a lockout during legitamate use
time due to power failure shutting down computer or need to reboot because
of system lockup etc. --- Steve -- Possible
software solution for nonadministrators, users need to be not able to change
system time via user rights..