How do I set up an Access database from scratch?



I need a database for a small company. We have an idea in mind that involves
a search window to look for the products. When this information is entered
in, then another window will pop up showing all the information about that
product and then if there is other information to be included, then a button
will be at the bottom of the product information window to then be opened to
view that information

Keith Wilby

PolymerScience said:
I need a database for a small company. We have an idea in mind that
a search window to look for the products. When this information is entered
in, then another window will pop up showing all the information about that
product and then if there is other information to be included, then a
will be at the bottom of the product information window to then be opened
view that information

Sounds like a sound idea. Have you looked at the Northwinds example that
ships with Access? The nomenclature and some aspects of the form design
leave a little to be desired IMO but the basic schema is sound.



Keith Wilby said:
Sounds like a sound idea. Have you looked at the Northwinds example that
ships with Access? The nomenclature and some aspects of the form design
leave a little to be desired IMO but the basic schema is sound.

Yes, I have looked at it, but I really need hlep with connecting the boxes.
I have the first box set up, but I am lost on where to go from there.

Keith Wilby

PolymerScience said:
Yes, I have looked at it, but I really need hlep with connecting the
I have the first box set up, but I am lost on where to go from there.

By "box" do you mean "form"? Setting up an Access application to do what
you want will take quite some time in terms of research and learning which
is why I suggested Northwind. If you study it and find out how the various
methods used achieve the functionality then this will help you to design
your own app.

I know it's not the answer you wanted but Access isn't like the other Office
apps in that it has quite a steep learning curve. Having said that, if you
design a basic form then you could use the built-in "filter by form" utility
to find and filter for records.

Good luck and please post back if you have specific questions. :)

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