How do I set initial Excel workbook name?


John Brock

My VB.NET program pops up an Excel workbook for the user. If I
initially create the workbook using:


I end up with a workbook named "sheet1". If I use an existing
Excel file as a template, e.g.:


I end up with a workbook named "MyTemplateFile1".

Neither name is particularly appropriate, so I want to find a way
to set the workbook name myself when I first create the file.

You can always *get* the name using the Name property, but that
property is read-only, so you can't set the name that way. I can
of course save the file, using the SaveAs method, and set the name
to something new in the process. But I don't want to save the file
myself -- I want the user to look at the file, decide whether he
wants to keep it, and then decide where and under what name to save
it. I just want to give him an appropriate name to start with;
but if he doesn't like what he sees I would prefer the file never
be saved at all.

BTW, I think I can understand why you can't set the Name property
after the workbook has been created. While this would make sense
if -- as in my case -- the file exists only in memory, I can see
where it could give you problems if you are working with a file
that has already been saved to disk with a particular name. But
I don't see why I should be forced to accept an arbitrary default
name when no file yet exists on disk!


How about after the workbook is opened

Workbooks(ThisWorkbook.Name).name = "My New workbook Name"


The [name] property of the worksheet is *not* read-only. It is a property
of the worksheet. This property is what's displayed in the tab at the
bottom of a workbook.

I've used this in my code:

xlSheet = CType(xlBook.WorkSheets(1), Excel.WorkSheet)
xlSheet.Name = "blah blah"

xlBook is my current workbook.

Robin S.

Charles Williams


Your analysis is correct: there is no way of changing the name of a workbook
except by Saveas etc.

IMHO leaving the name of the book as Book1 is the best approach because the
user is more likely to recognise this as the name of a new unsaved workbook.
Thats what I usually do, and then I give any sheets I generate within the
workbook meaningful names.

Decision Models
FastExcel 2.3 now available
Name Manager 4.0 now available

Dave Peterson

Maybe you could rename the template file to something more significant before
you use it as the basis of your new workbook.

Then rename it back (or just leave it with the new nice name).


You're right; I missed that he was looking at the workbook instead of the

Robin S.

John Brock

Here is one problem: Let's say I pick a nice new temporary name
for my template file, say, "BudgetReport.xls". When I create the
file the user will see it as "BudgetReport1", and when he saves it
the suggested name will be "BudgetReport1.xls". The user gets to
modify the name, so maybe he gets rid of that pointless "1". No
problem so far, but what if he runs the program again? This time
I can't rename my template file, because that nice new name is
already taken! I could code around that, and temporarily rename
both files, but frankly it's not a big enough problem to be worth
the bother.

Still, I think it's surprising that Microsoft doesn't allow the
programmer to control such a visible piece of text. The obvious
solution would be an optional parameter to the Add method, i.e.:

Workbooks.Add("C:\temp\MyTemplateFile.xls", Name:="BudgetReport")

I don't see any way this could cause any problems -- any Microsofties
out there listening? :)

Dave Peterson

I doubt that anyone from MS will find your message and read it.

This is usually users helping users--every once in awhile, you'll see someone
from MS, but it's pretty rare.

Maybe you could add code that saves the file (or just prompts the user to save
the file) as soon as you create the file???

Then you can use any name you or the user wants.


MS only answers q's in the dotnet newsgroups for its MSDN subscribers.

Just FYI.
Robin S.

Dave Peterson

Every once in awhile, there'll be a response from MS employees. But it's pretty
rare (at least in the .public excel newsgroups).
MS only answers q's in the dotnet newsgroups for its MSDN subscribers.

Just FYI.
Robin S.


Yes, you're right, I have seen one guy (Nick?) who's a MSFT employee who
answers in the groups, but not *because* he's a MSFT employee. But the ones
that people see from Linda Liu and Wen whatshisname are because people are
paying for the privilege of getting answers in the managed newsgroups.

Robin S.

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