How do I set FTP to go upwards out of a directory?



I am helping someone upload files to a remote server using FrontPage 2003.
She is able to connect through FTP to the server, but needs to be able to
back up in the directory structure from the login's remote directory. She
needs to go back two directories and into a folder called 'web', so I have
already tried setting the FTP directory in the Remote Server Properties box
'../../web'. FrontPage 2003 said it was creating this directory (which it
shouldn't do because the directory already exists), but it fails to do so.
Is there any other work-around for this? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Andrew Murray

There's usually a button to go up one level in the directory structure,
near the top of the file list on both the remote and local machine(s).

See this for a screen shot.

I don't know what restrictions your ISP would have on browsing *outside*
your home web-space directory e.g. htdocs, public_html or whatever its

You may need to check with them if you're allowed to do this.

In any case, you can't do it in Frontpage FTP mode, you may need an outside
FTP program to attempt it if it's possible.

Stefan B Rusynko

For proper FTP publishing in FP See;en-us;825503&Product=fp2003


|I am helping someone upload files to a remote server using FrontPage 2003.
| She is able to connect through FTP to the server, but needs to be able to
| back up in the directory structure from the login's remote directory. She
| needs to go back two directories and into a folder called 'web', so I have
| already tried setting the FTP directory in the Remote Server Properties box
| '../../web'. FrontPage 2003 said it was creating this directory (which it
| shouldn't do because the directory already exists), but it fails to do so.
| Is there any other work-around for this? Any help is greatly appreciated!

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