How do I send a copy of a form to someone else

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tiny_Tim
  • Start date Start date


Hi All,

I have created a database in A2003 that I will be using for material
requisitioning. It consists of name, dept, date, quantity of item, item, cost
of item, source address and some other bits and pieces. What I would like to
be able to do at the end of filling in a form is email a copy in a readable
format to a college in another office. Ideally it would be in an identical
format to the form as I am trying to reduce the amount of paper that gets
passed from office to office and have designed my form to match existing
paper work.

If possible I would like to include a button for doing this on the form.

Whilst I am not a novice to Pc's my knowledge of access is a bit lacking so
any help would be greatly appreciated.

Quite hard in access 2k3 - But can (almost) be done.

Design a report that looks sort of like your form.
Tip -don't use lines in your report - use strings in a unbonound text box

Then (assuming you have the e mail address of the recipient somewhere) just
email that report using OutputTo as an RTF file (lines don't work in RTF's
but strings do)

If you have problems post back
What I would to is to use a combination of MS Access and MS Excel

Setup a Excel sheet that looks like your MS Access form, then export the
data to it (excel), email the worksheet

Ask the college to review/modify the data and email it back to you

Import the data from excel into MS Access and run a Update Query.

All of these can be done using VBA


Steve said:
Do you have a network between the two offices?

If you do, split your database and put the tables in a backend database on
the server. Give the other office a frontend database that only includes
the form and include only the linked tables associated with the form, You
can give that frontend whatever functionality it needs to deal with the


Do you have a multiple personality disorder? You accuse people of under
handed behaviour and then the next thing you calmy attempt to answer
questions as though nothing has happened.

I sure hope you are getting help for your problem.

Tiny_Tim said:
Hi All,

I have created a database in A2003 that I will be using for material
requisitioning. It consists of name, dept, date, quantity of item, item, cost
of item, source address and some other bits and pieces. What I would like to
be able to do at the end of filling in a form is email a copy in a readable
format to a college in another office. Ideally it would be in an identical
format to the form as I am trying to reduce the amount of paper that gets
passed from office to office and have designed my form to match existing
paper work.

If possible I would like to include a button for doing this on the form.

Whilst I am not a novice to Pc's my knowledge of access is a bit lacking so
any help would be greatly appreciated.

Caveat: I'm no expert in this group (which really does have experts).

Reading carefully: you want to "email a copy in readable format...", and
you have "designed (your) form to match existing paper work."

If what you want to do is to send an electronic copy of a paper form
(rather than an _editable_ electronic form) then there's a simple solution:

First, install a PDF "pseudoprinter" on your system. See,,,, etc. If you have one of these (I
use the Adobe equivalent as my default printer) then when you print
something it saves it accurately as an emailable PDF.

Then you have to stop Access printing all your records when you try to
print the form. The easiest way is to highlight the primary key, and
then use the "Filter by Selection" button to restrict the recordset to
just that one record. When you print that (print from the file menu if
you have a different default printer, to get the option to choose a
printer), you get what I _think_ you're asking for.

Tip: ensure your text fields are large enough to hold the maximum field
length - a nicely printed scrollbar won't help your recipients!

Will this solve your problem?

If the receiving end is using an electronic system, at worst they could
use the text selection tool in Acrobat to copy and paste text from your
PDF document. If they _are_ using an electronic system, then obviously
you'll want to do something a whole lot cleverer than this, and it'll
depend on what they have at their end. Infopath might be worth looking

Phil, London
Hi all,

Thanks for all the suggestions, I think I will go down the route of either
an excel document or pdf as my colleague usually does not need to edit the
contents of the form but he may have to use the info elsewhere. So the
ability to copy and paste could be useful.

You could create a report based on the form

Download the report snapshot viewer from Microsoft - it's free

Then export the report as a snapshot viewer file format

Then email this file.

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