The server on which my site is being hosted recently had a major upgrade and
several things went wrong. One of which was that I can no longer see the
hidden folders on the remote site, i.e. _private, _themes, etc. I used to
access _private for storing form results. I have tried publishing these
files again, but they still do not show up. I know they are there because
they come up withe the 'File on remote site has date blah, blah, do you want
to overwrite?' The company hosting the site say there is nothing wrong and
just say I should turn on the option for viewing hidden files. This option
has always been switched on as I can see the hidden files on my local site.
Please help me and tell me that I was not dreaming that I could see them
before, or have they vanished into the twilight zone?
The server on which my site is being hosted recently had a major upgrade and
several things went wrong. One of which was that I can no longer see the
hidden folders on the remote site, i.e. _private, _themes, etc. I used to
access _private for storing form results. I have tried publishing these
files again, but they still do not show up. I know they are there because
they come up withe the 'File on remote site has date blah, blah, do you want
to overwrite?' The company hosting the site say there is nothing wrong and
just say I should turn on the option for viewing hidden files. This option
has always been switched on as I can see the hidden files on my local site.
Please help me and tell me that I was not dreaming that I could see them
before, or have they vanished into the twilight zone?