How do I search for a two-word group in Outlook 2003

  • Thread starter Billy tea and Damper
  • Start date

Billy tea and Damper

I often wish to search for someone who has sent me email, using two of the
words in the "Sender" line (eg Given and Family names), because eachof the
names alone is part of many other emails -- as part or whole words in the
body of the text.

How can I bracket the two words so that Outlook recognises them as the
search string, not including the brackets??

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Are you using Advanced Find?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Billy tea and Damper asked:

| I often wish to search for someone who has sent me email, using two
| of the words in the "Sender" line (eg Given and Family names),
| because eachof the names alone is part of many other emails -- as
| part or whole words in the body of the text.
| How can I bracket the two words so that Outlook recognises them as the
| search string, not including the brackets??

Billy tea and Damper

Hi Milly

Thank you for this quick response. This is the first time I have used this
forum, so am pretty raw as a correspondent!

Your reply pointed out that there *actually is* an "advanced" search
facility; it is not all that obvious! But trying that, the search for an
email containing the sender's name will not find any from the person I am
looking for, even though I know there is in the Inbox. This is really
strange, i think! Have you any comments??


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