How do I REset a managed array????



I can declare and initialize a managed array of managed types like this:

System::Object* array __gc[] = {...}

Now, what do I do if I wanna reset that array to something else without
redeclaring it? I can't seem to just say something like

array = new __gc[] = {...}


array = {...}

How do I do this?


Bruno van Dooren said:
i think it is


Well, that will clear it out, but how do I set it to some new set of data,
of possibly different length?

Edward Diener

0to60 said:
Well, that will clear it out, but how do I set it to some new set of
data, of possibly different length?

array = new System::Object *[n]; // where n = the new length

I don't think you can allocate in this way using an initialiser list.

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