1) It would have been interesting to know what you're describing as a bug.
2) You invoked Nvidia. Nvidia makes the chipset in their case; someone else
makes the video card. Why don't you phone the tech support of the
particular card maker who is responsible for supporting the card and can
advise you if as in the case of many of the later higher end Nvidia chipset
drivers there is a choice of drivers. In the case of many Nvidia higher end
cards, there are options of several drivers and right now some do not work
consistently well in Vista for some games and graphics apps and others do.
The card maker who supports the card can tell you which ones are best.
3) Depending on the bug, MSFT may not own the bug at all if as you infer it
has to do with an Nvidia driver and they already know in detail which
drivers have had problems with Vista, games and apps. That's one reason
there is more than one choice for many cards.
3) MSFT offers free "support" for Vista now and you could call them at
Phone Number: 866-425-0593
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Again if you have a particular driver for an Nvidia card freezing up (you
weren't explicit with your "bug" the best clinical on the ground advice is
at the number of the tech support for your card and that's not
Nvidia--that's whomever made the card on that box it came in. You didn't
give specifics of your card or model.
Good luck,