How do I report a bug within internet explorer (current version) ?



I've found an obscure new problem which could possibly be used as an exploit.

How and where do I report this?

I already asked this exact question to Microsoft (I didn't give the bug
details yet), and here is how they replied - it speaks 100% for itself I

From: "Microsoft Australia Product Support" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE:'RTCProd=008-326-892' Please respond: how do I report a bug
within internet explorer (current version)
To: "Chris"
Cc: "(e-mail address removed)" <[email protected]>
Dear Chris,
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Online Assisted Support.

I appreciate the time that you have taken to contact us with your feedback
regarding Internet Explorer bug.The information that you have provided is
considered useful and constructive. It will be passed on to the appropriate
area for analysis.

Should you have any further comments or questions, please do not hesitate to
let me know.

Kind regards,
Sunny Cheok
Microsoft Australia & New Zealand Technical Support


you want to report the bug to the whole whole?
Post me the bug and I get it publish in the newspapers

While having coffee and bread this morning, I read that Chris wrote in

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