How do I remove the background box from a displayed shortcut?



y computer screen dispalyed Shortcut Icons with the name of the Icon listed
directly below the icon - a couple of days ago, while trying to attach a file
to a powepoimnt slide, I must have mistakenly changed the icon displays. The
icon remains on the display, but , the name is enclosed in a test box that
has a background color to it. I can change the background color but I cant
make the background box go away so that the icon name is all I see below the
icon - I have tried to find a transparent or clear option as a background
color but all I can find are solid colors. Help???

Brian Tillman

Cherokee Navy said:
y computer screen dispalyed Shortcut Icons with the name of the Icon
listed directly below the icon - a couple of days ago, while trying
to attach a file to a powepoimnt slide, I must have mistakenly
changed the icon displays. The icon remains on the display, but ,
the name is enclosed in a test box that has a background color to it.
I can change the background color but I cant make the background box
go away so that the icon name is all I see below the icon - I have
tried to find a transparent or clear option as a background color but
all I can find are solid colors. Help???

How is this an Outlook question?

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