Hi, Alison,
1. If you have not saved either A or B since you discovered this problem,
stop. Do not initiate another save.
2, Save A and B "as" xx and yy.
Assuming you HAVE saved saved both these documents and that you had Tools |
Options | Save "Always create backup copy" box checked:
1. You now have the following files on your hard drive:
Backup of A
Backup of B.
2. If you only made ONE save of A, you should find a pristine copy of A in
Backup of A.
3. If you made MORE THAN one save of A, Backup of A will no longer be of
any use to you at all.
However, Windows-based applications (almost?) always can be counted on to
create oceans of tmp files that contain lovely data that you just hate to
lose. (I assume these files are the ones that are created that allow you to
hit ctrl-Z and go back in time one {ill-advised} change at a time. But, I
may be dead wrong on this. For whatever reason, those files are out there,
probably in the dirctory called "C:\WINDOWS\Temp" or with a file name that
begins with "~" or ends with "tmp".)
Whatever. IF you are toast under the above scenario, you still may be able
to search (starting from the root directory or "C:\") the file CONTENT (not
the file NAME) for a string (combination of letters or numbers) that is
unique. Thus, if your late lamentable document A has the phrase "Death to
Osama" in it, that very phrase may show up INSIDE one of those temp files.
Therefore, search from the root directory for that unique phrase in any
document ("*.*") and you may get lucky and find a temp file that has those
lovely missing data in their entirety.