Frank said:
I can do this in Word2000, but Access2000 dose not have the same
Can someone help me, if not in Accesss then in transferring the data
to Word2000 for printing.
Please help, Frank
from, free and fast translation
4.2 Stampare fronte-retro.
print both side
Federico Luciani
How can J print first the unpair pages and then the pair one
The solution I found is very easy and use the possibility of canceling
the printing of a certainly section of teh report, and otherwise with an
easy calculation ( mod 2) is possibible to know if the page is
printing is pari or not
Come to code, copy the following routine in the report module
Private Sub Corpo_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
If (g_Pagine = 2 And Me.Page Mod 2 = 1) Or _
(g_Pagine = 1 And Me.Page Mod 2 = 0) Then _
Cancel = True
End Sub
Attention, if in the report there are any other section, also them have to
manage the event Print
Private Sub IntestazionePagina_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As
If (g_Pagine = 2 And Me.Page Mod 2 = 1) Or _
(g_Pagine = 1 And Me.Page Mod 2 = 0) Then _
Cancel = True
End Subat least insert this declaration in another module Global g_Pagine
As Integer
As you can see, you can set the global variable g_pagine for printing pair
or unpair
p.e. g_Pagine = 2
DoCmd.OpenReport "nomeReport", acViewPreview
If you set the variable in any different value fron 1 and 2, the report will
print normally
_ _
MAssimiliano Amendola
Cisa - Conferenza Italiana per Sviluppatori Access