How do I print odd numbered pages

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I want to print double sided. The even numbers on one side and the odds on
the other. Is there a way to do this in Excel
Maryjanet, check your printer settings there may be an option there to do
it, if not here is a macro from Gord Dibben that will do it

Sub PrintDoubleSided()
'Will print odd or even pages
'By Gord Dibben
Dim Totalpages As Long
Dim pg As Long
Dim oddoreven As Integer
On Error GoTo enditt
Totalpages = ExecuteExcel4Macro("Get.Document(50)")
oddoreven = InputBox("Enter 1 for Odd, 2 for Even")
For pg = oddoreven To Totalpages Step 2
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut from:=pg, To:=pg
Next pg
End Sub

And if you are new to macros you may also what to have a look here on
getting started with macros

Paul B
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Using Excel 2002 & 2003