Vance McAlister
This may seem like an odd question, but we have a secretary who spends WAY
too much time on the internet, but needs her email. We would like to
"disable" her internet access in some way, while maintaining her online
connection for email and a couple of programs that use online interfacing.
What is the simplest way to do this, and preferably one that she can not
just easily reverse when she wants to, but that I CAN reverse on occassion
to download an update or something?
too much time on the internet, but needs her email. We would like to
"disable" her internet access in some way, while maintaining her online
connection for email and a couple of programs that use online interfacing.
What is the simplest way to do this, and preferably one that she can not
just easily reverse when she wants to, but that I CAN reverse on occassion
to download an update or something?