How do i play .VOB files???



Guys. am not able to play .vob files....i have installed windvd 8. when i
click OPEN WITH on d .vob files n then select WINDVD, but it does not appear
in d list... So thn how do i play these files??? But i can play these files
by just dragging n dropping into windvd....but cant play them direcctly....:(


NISH said:
Guys. am not able to play .vob files....i have installed windvd 8. when i
click OPEN WITH on d .vob files n then select WINDVD, but it does not
in d list... So thn how do i play these files??? But i can play these
by just dragging n dropping into windvd....but cant play them

Is there a setting in WINDVD 8 that allows you to associate .vob files with
that app?



No, there's no setting as such..... when i insert dvd it plays in WINDVD. But
individual vob files cant be opened directly. Im on Vista Ultimate.


NISH said:
No, there's no setting as such..... when i insert dvd it plays in WINDVD.
individual vob files cant be opened directly. Im on Vista Ultimate.

Right click on .vob file, choose "Open With" then click on "choose default
program". If WINDVD is not one of the options then you will have to use the
"Browse" button to point the OS at your app (WINDVD8.EXE or similar) and
ensure "always use the selected program to open this type of file" is



I know d meaning of VOB !!! I said its not playing directly on WINDVD 8 but
was playing on WINDVD 7


Ya...i did all that...but when click WINDVD8.exe it does not add to d open
with list...


NISH said:
Ya...i did all that...but when click WINDVD8.exe it does not add to d
with list...


Have you tried Control Panel > Default Programs > Associate a file type or
protocol with a program.


Adam Albright

No, there's no setting as such..... when i insert dvd it plays in WINDVD. But
individual vob files cant be opened directly. Im on Vista Ultimate.

Of course they can be played directly IF you have the right player
associated with the file type VOB. Media Player will likely just nag
it can't play it because it is STUPID. The question becomes why would
anyone want to play VOB files individually? It defeats the whole idea
behind having them on a DVD!

Hint: Try VLC Media Player. Associate the file type .VOB with it. Now
pop in a DVD. It will play normally allowing you to click on chapters
if it has them, thus jumping back and forth between titles. If you
insist on playing some VOB on the DVD or just on your system directly,
open in Windows Explorer, click on any of the VOB files in the
Video_TS folder (if playing a DVD) and that particular file will play.

This is all very basic Windows stuff. What I always find amusing is so
many really know next to nothing on how to use/set-up Windows.

Windows being basically a dumb OS, it can do little by itself. With
Vista you often need to TELL it what to do when it sees a particular
file type. The irony is even when Vista understands the file type it
still may refuse to do anything with it! Smarter applications simply
play file types they understand without you needing to fiddle around.
Windows always stumbled with certain file types and often needs to be
taught. Vista still hasn't learned what to do in many situations. Well
maybe once Vista bloats to some one trillion line monster, instead of
the current "tiny" 50,000,000 lines of code it is rumored to have now,
maybe it will get a little smarter.


Hi Dave
This is what I call a stupid answer and a useless waste of bandwidth.
Please read the question carefully first and then answer whenever you have
something usefull to say.


YA i tries everything...WINDVD8 doesn't seem to add to d list.... but d older
windvd7 cud play (associate with .vob) them directly.... Any solution?


Y don u read my question properly n then answer rather than typing some
P.S. im well aware of windows n how to setup n use it !.


Y don u read my question properly n then answer, instead of typing som
P.S. Im well aware of windows...


NISH said:
YA i tries everything...WINDVD8 doesn't seem to add to d list.... but d
windvd7 cud play (associate with .vob) them directly.... Any solution?

Hi Nish,

Sorry dude no more solutions. This could probably be solved with a registry
hack but I'm not fully familiar with Vista's registry. In the meantime try a
Google search or hopefully someone more knowledgeable will have the
solution. Good luck.


Adam Albright

Y don u read my question properly n then answer rather than typing some
P.S. im well aware of windows n how to setup n use it !.

Apparently not or you wouldn't be asking questions and insulting those
trying to help you. I find the biggest problem is some people like you
don't know HOW to properly ask questions to be sure you get the help
desired, so I take a stab at what you really meant. I see your
response is to shoot the messenger.

You can't spell worth a shit either.

Lee Phillips

Assuming this is part of a DVD try running the .IFO file rather than the

Alternatively, changing the extension to an .mpg should do the trick.

~Alex~.:MVP Windows Shell/User:.

Hey Lee,

This should be with XP not Vista. ;)

But have you installed any codecs? Like Klite or CCCP or AC3Filter? They
may allow you to play the .vob file. Also might want to try VLC player.

It can also be played in Media Player Classic. But as Rocky4uDude also
wrote changing the extension to .mpg can also do the trick.

zachd [MSFT]

KLite has done a lot of horrible things to people's systems over time. It's
not a great recommendation.
is my personal pretty good list of codec pack gotchas. It doesn't cover
stuff like CCCP corrupting WMP's registrations, though. Codec packs in
general are a pretty bad plan. =\

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