Or you can use just plain old JavaScript for client side
| There are basically three ways.
| 1) Request.form variables
| If you use a form, and the action of the submit button is another page, then if you had a
| textbox named Address, the recieving page (asp) would access that as request.form("Address")
| 2)Request.Querystring variables
| A value tacked onto the URL of the recieving page. If your link or submit button calls say
| SecondPage.htm and you want to send address, then the URL would be SecondPage.htm?addr=124
| Main Street Accessed as Request.Querystring("addr"). This method makes the fields
| transmitted visible on the address line.
| 3) Session variables. On the sending page do Session("Name")="Joel" the recieving page
| accesses this as Session("Name"). This is available to a viewer as long as their session
| lasts.
| Do a Google on these three for more detail.
| MikeR 1st
| Joel wrote:
| > How do I pass a value from one fronpage form to another?