The date string: "Thu, 17 Jul 2003 12:35:18 PST"
The problem:
// this fails on PST
DateTime myDate = DateTime.Parse("Thu, 17 Jul 2003 12:35:18
If I understand correctly, you want to convert a DateTime w/ a
TimeZone specifier into a local DateTime value. Right? If so, I
made some mods to your code (posted below). Regular expressions
greatly simplified things.
Hope this helps.
C.R. Timmons Consulting, Inc.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Main
public class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
string s = "Thu, 17 Jul 2003 12:35:18 -0900";
Console.WriteLine("Original time: {0}", s);
Console.WriteLine("Converted to local time: {0}",
catch (FormatException ex)
public static DateTime ParseDateTime(string dateTime)
DateTime result;
// The dateTime parameter is either local (no time
// zone specified), or it has a time zone.
// Use the regex to examine the last part of the
// dateTime string and determine which category it falls into.
Match m =
Regex.Match(dateTime.Trim(), @"(\b\w{3,4}|[+-]?\d{4})$");
if (m.Length == 0)
// Local date (no time zone).
result = DateTime.Parse(dateTime);
// Date w/ time zone. m.Value holds the time zone info
// (either a time zone name (e.g. PST), or the
// numeric offset (e.g. -0800).
result = ConvertToLocalDateTime(dateTime, m.Value);
return result;
private static DateTime ConvertToLocalDateTime(
string dateTime,
string timeZoneId)
// Strip the time zone ID from the end of the dateTime string.
dateTime = dateTime.Replace(timeZoneId, "").Trim();
// Convert the timeZoneId to a TimeSpan.
// (Leading + signs aren't allowed in the TimeSpan.Parse
// parameter, although leading - signs are.
// The purpose of the [+]*? at the beginning of the
// regex is to account for, and ignore, any leading + sign).
string ts = Regex.Replace(GetTimeZoneOffset(timeZoneId),
TimeSpan timeZoneOffset = TimeSpan.Parse(ts);
TimeSpan localUtcOffset =
// Get the absolute time difference between the given
// datetime's time zone and the local datetime's time zone.
TimeSpan absoluteOffset = timeZoneOffset - localUtcOffset;
absoluteOffset = absoluteOffset.Duration();
// Now that the absolute time difference is known,
// determine whether to add or subtract it from the
// given dateTime, and then return the result.
if (timeZoneOffset < localUtcOffset)
return DateTime.Parse(dateTime) + absoluteOffset;
return DateTime.Parse(dateTime) - absoluteOffset;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a time zone (e.g. "PST") to an offset string
/// (e.g. "-0700").
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tz">The time zone to convert.</param>
/// <returns>The offset value (e.g. -0700).</returns>
private static string GetTimeZoneOffset(string tz)
// If the time zone is already in number format,
// just return it.
if (Regex.IsMatch(tz, @"^[+-]?\d{4}$"))
return tz;
string result = string.Empty;
foreach (string[] sa in TimeZones)
if (sa[0].ToUpper() == tz)
result = sa[1];
return result;
/// <summary>
/// An array of time zones
/// (e.g. new string[] {"PST", "-0700", "(US) Pacific
/// Standard"}).
/// </summary>
private static string[][] TimeZones = new string[][] {
new string[] {"ACDT", "+1030", "Australian Central Daylight"},
new string[] {"ACST", "+0930", "Australian Central Standard"},
new string[] {"ADT", "-0300", "(US) Atlantic Daylight"},
new string[] {"AEDT", "+1100", "Australian East Daylight"},
new string[] {"AEST", "+1000", "Australian East Standard"},
new string[] {"AHDT", "-0900", ""},
new string[] {"AHST", "-1000", ""},
new string[] {"AST", "-0400", "(US) Atlantic Standard"},
new string[] {"AT", "-0200", "Azores"},
new string[] {"AWDT", "+0900", "Australian West Daylight"},
new string[] {"AWST", "+0800", "Australian West Standard"},
new string[] {"BAT", "+0300", "Bhagdad"},
new string[] {"BDST", "+0200", "British Double Summer"},
new string[] {"BET", "-1100", "Bering Standard"},
new string[] {"BST", "-0300", "Brazil Standard"},
new string[] {"BT", "+0300", "Baghdad"},
new string[] {"BZT2", "-0300", "Brazil Zone 2"},
new string[] {"CADT", "+1030", "Central Australian Daylight"},
new string[] {"CAST", "+0930", "Central Australian Standard"},
new string[] {"CAT", "-1000", "Central Alaska"},
new string[] {"CCT", "+0800", "China Coast"},
new string[] {"CDT", "-0500", "(US) Central Daylight"},
new string[] {"CED", "+0200", "Central European Daylight"},
new string[] {"CET", "+0100", "Central European"},
new string[] {"CST", "-0600", "(US) Central Standard"},
new string[] {"CENTRAL", "-0600", "(US) Central Standard"},
new string[] {"EAST", "+1000", "Eastern Australian Standard"},
new string[] {"EDT", "-0400", "(US) Eastern Daylight"},
new string[] {"EED", "+0300", "Eastern European Daylight"},
new string[] {"EET", "+0200", "Eastern Europe"},
new string[] {"EEST", "+0300", "Eastern Europe Summer"},
new string[] {"EST", "-0500", "(US) Eastern Standard"},
new string[] {"EASTERN", "-0500", "(US) Eastern Standard"},
new string[] {"FST", "+0200", "French Summer"},
new string[] {"FWT", "+0100", "French Winter"},
new string[] {"GMT", "-0000", "Greenwich Mean"},
new string[] {"GST", "+1000", "Guam Standard"},
new string[] {"HDT", "-0900", "Hawaii Daylight"},
new string[] {"HST", "-1000", "Hawaii Standard"},
new string[] {"IDLE", "+1200", "Internation Date Line East"},
new string[] {"IDLW", "-1200", "Internation Date Line West"},
new string[] {"IST", "+0530", "Indian Standard"},
new string[] {"IT", "+0330", "Iran"},
new string[] {"JST", "+0900", "Japan Standard"},
new string[] {"JT", "+0700", "Java"},
new string[] {"MDT", "-0600", "(US) Mountain Daylight"},
new string[] {"MED", "+0200", "Middle European Daylight"},
new string[] {"MET", "+0100", "Middle European"},
new string[] {"MEST", "+0200", "Middle European Summer"},
new string[] {"MEWT", "+0100", "Middle European Winter"},
new string[] {"MST", "-0700", "(US) Mountain Standard"},
new string[] {"MOUNTAIN", "-0700", "(US) Mountain Standard"},
new string[] {"MT", "+0800", "Moluccas"},
new string[] {"NDT", "-0230", "Newfoundland Daylight"},
new string[] {"NFT", "-0330", "Newfoundland"},
new string[] {"NT", "-1100", "Nome"},
new string[] {"NST", "+0630", "North Sumatra"},
new string[] {"NZ", "+1100", "New Zealand "},
new string[] {"NZST", "+1200", "New Zealand Standard"},
new string[] {"NZDT", "+1300", "New Zealand Daylight "},
new string[] {"NZT", "+1200", "New Zealand"},
new string[] {"PDT", "-0700", "(US) Pacific Daylight"},
new string[] {"PST", "-0800", "(US) Pacific Standard"},
new string[] {"PACIFIC", "-0800", "(US) Pacific Standard"},
new string[] {"ROK", "+0900", "Republic of Korea"},
new string[] {"SAD", "+1000", "South Australia Daylight"},
new string[] {"SAST", "+0900", "South Australia Standard"},
new string[] {"SAT", "+0900", "South Australia Standard"},
new string[] {"SDT", "+1000", "South Australia Daylight"},
new string[] {"SST", "+0200", "Swedish Summer"},
new string[] {"SWT", "+0100", "Swedish Winter"},
new string[] {"USZ3", "+0400", "USSR Zone 3"},
new string[] {"USZ4", "+0500", "USSR Zone 4"},
new string[] {"USZ5", "+0600", "USSR Zone 5"},
new string[] {"USZ6", "+0700", "USSR Zone 6"},
new string[] {"UT", "-0000", "Universal Coordinated"},
new string[] {"UTC", "-0000", "Universal Coordinated"},
new string[] {"UZ10", "+1100", "USSR Zone 10"},
new string[] {"WAT", "-0100", "West Africa"},
new string[] {"WET", "-0000", "West European"},
new string[] {"WST", "+0800", "West Australian Standard"},
new string[] {"YDT", "-0800", "Yukon Daylight"},
new string[] {"YST", "-0900", "Yukon Standard"},
new string[] {"ZP4", "+0400", "USSR Zone 3"},
new string[] {"ZP5", "+0500", "USSR Zone 4"},
new string[] {"ZP6", "+0600", "USSR Zone 5"}