Working for a large corporation, They get quite anal about security.
Currently we use an in house deceloped active x control to dispense
connections to databases. Each DB having different credentials.
Now that we are settling on dotnet as the preferred platform, I have to
duplicate this functional for the ADONET platform. I have a class to
securely store/retrieve the connections strings in the registry.
I am working on a class to wrap around the DAAB but I realized that if I
return a connection object to the user (or any database based object) a
Clever developer can get the connection string since it is a property of
the connection object.
I have read a little about hiding in a derived class a method, but am
completely lost when putting it in practice.
How do I override the connection string property in a derived class (from
system.data...) and have the connection string come back blank (or null)
preserving all the other method properties of the connection object?
Plus I guess if the answer is yes a little stub of how this magic is
accomplished would be stellar.
Currently we use an in house deceloped active x control to dispense
connections to databases. Each DB having different credentials.
Now that we are settling on dotnet as the preferred platform, I have to
duplicate this functional for the ADONET platform. I have a class to
securely store/retrieve the connections strings in the registry.
I am working on a class to wrap around the DAAB but I realized that if I
return a connection object to the user (or any database based object) a
Clever developer can get the connection string since it is a property of
the connection object.
I have read a little about hiding in a derived class a method, but am
completely lost when putting it in practice.
How do I override the connection string property in a derived class (from
system.data...) and have the connection string come back blank (or null)
preserving all the other method properties of the connection object?
Plus I guess if the answer is yes a little stub of how this magic is
accomplished would be stellar.