There is a detailed article and a couple of KB articles on the MS site
dealing with publishing reports to Snapshot format where the reports
will be updated on a regular basis.
Less complex, would be to embedd the Snapshot ActiveX control, one on
each Slide of your presentation. Setup each control to point to the
propert page of your report.
Another alernative would be to use the ReportUtilities on my site to
publish your Report to a series of Enhanced Metafiles(EMF's), one for
each page of your report. The result is the same as exporting to
Snapshot format. EMF's are directly insertable onto your Slide and are
fully scaleable/resolution independant. You could automate the process
completely with a bit of VBA code.
Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Adam M said:
I would like to run a report in Access but have the output as PowerPoint
slides. I have managed to print the report as jpg files and then
programatically add them to a PowerPoint presentation, but this is cumbersone
and requires me to buy the software that outputs the report to jpg