How do I open my .HXS files using my DExplore ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff Relf
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Jeff Relf

Hi all,

I just loaded the most recent Platform SDK,
which included a lot of Help-2 files, .HXS files,
on my new Windows XP system.

I see that I have DExplore.EXE, the required reader.
( I do not have or want .NET, only VC6 )

But I can't get the DExplore to open any .HXS files...

I tried making a shortcut like this:
"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Help\dexplore.exe" /helpcol ms-help://MS.VSCC

And then using RegEdit to set MS.VSCC's data to this:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\Help

( Because that's where all the .HXS files are )

But DExplore just erases that data.

What am I doing wrong ?
Hi init 3,

Lowering your monocle, You observed,
" You put stoolware on your new computer
and now you're eating shit.

Here, this will make it all better: SuSE.COM "

If you're talking about DExplore.EXE,
I couldn't agree with you more.

What an amazing piece of garbage !

Imagine if Microsoft published everything in plain-text,
complete with Usenet-like plain-text links and such...
( complete with a Usenet-like viewer )

Holy crap...
I should do that myself, just to make fun of them.

Shit, At ten bucks a disk ? ... I'd make a million bucks.