I know you are correct. Best to ignore.
However, this newsgroup has always been a very friendly place. We don't send
abrupt "you stupid newbie" comments. Quite the contrary, answers here are
provided in a slow but sure "click on this....." and we try to get the
person asking the question to be comfortable about solving a particular
problem with our answers. This has been the style of the many volunteers
here, save a few.
So, I always resent somebody who suddenly comes in and tries to impress a
grandmother with some computer jargon.
You can see his response. Suddenly this newsgroup must be an expert
newsgroup and a question about a .rar file should be asked somewhere else.
Nonsense. A question about a .rar file can be asked anywhere.
So yes, I think you are correct about ignoring him since he contributed
absolutely nothing to solving the problem about the .rar file, but if we do
ignore him he will take over the newsgroup. My answer is no. Don't ignore
him. Tell him to contribute answers, not diatribes.
Well, it is Friday night. I need a little glass of cognac before I go to
bed. Have a nice picnic over this weekend and thanks for your comments.