I recently backep-up the hard drive on my laptop in anticipation of
reformatting the unit. After reformatting (using all the same software discs
that came with the laptop) I tried to open the .pst backup file for Outlook
(containing all my contacts, calendar, and emails for the last three years)
and got the following error message: "The <file> is not compatible with this
version of the Personal Folders Information Service." How can that be when I
am using the exact same version (same disc, remember?) of Outlook (Windows
XP, Outlook 2002) to try and open the file as was used to create it?
reformatting the unit. After reformatting (using all the same software discs
that came with the laptop) I tried to open the .pst backup file for Outlook
(containing all my contacts, calendar, and emails for the last three years)
and got the following error message: "The <file> is not compatible with this
version of the Personal Folders Information Service." How can that be when I
am using the exact same version (same disc, remember?) of Outlook (Windows
XP, Outlook 2002) to try and open the file as was used to create it?