How do I open a specific Access form record by simply clicking on a field in another form record fie

May 17, 2012
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I am new to Access but have designed a relatively solid database with my limited knowledge. Now I am looking at creating expressions and/or macros that will automate some of the functions that my volunteers & I need.

I have a Minister's Form that includes a field listing the name of the ministry that particular minister represents. We want to click on that Ministry field and have theMinistry Form open to the corresponding ministry record.

Form 1= FrmMinisters
Field 1= ParentMinName or ParentMinID

Form 2= FrmParentMinistries
Field 2=ParentMinName or ParentMinID

ParentMinID is the primary key for Form 2
ParentMinName is the same value on both corresponding records

I know enough to use the "Event on click" section in properties but don't know enough to create the necessary coding instructions. Can anyone assist me in building a code that will do this?

Create a property inside the Ministry Form along the lines of:

private _MinistryID as Integer ' Or whatever type your ID Field is.

public property MinistryID() as Integer ' Same as private declaration.
return _MinistryID
end get
set (value as Integer)
_MinistryID = value
' Run a function here to filter and/or bind data using _MinistryID.
end set
end property

Then inside the OnClick Event of your field in the Ministers Form have something like

dim frm as new MinistryForm
frm.MinistryID = ParentMinID

Hope this helps
Thanks for answering this. I should've taken it down. I actually got an answer similar to yours on another site withiin a couple days of posting.
Sorry to trouble you!
The final coding looked like this:
Private Sub ParentMinID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strCriteria As String
strCriteria = "ParentMinID = " & Me.ParentMinID
DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmParentMinistries", WhereCondition:=strCriteria, WindowMode:=acDialog
End Sub