How do I move unwanted gallery objects without losing them forever

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob Benz
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Rob Benz

I will rarely if ever use any text box design in the gallery except the basic
text box, plus one custom text box that I've designed. How do I get rid of
the other text box designs...without deleting them forever. Is there a way
to create a new custom gallery named 'offline' and temporarily move them
As far as I know, there is no way to edit the galleries (maybe if you know

However, you can do the following: Create an example text box with the
desired formatting (and contents, if you wish). Select it. On the Insert
tab, click Quick Parts, and choose Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery.
Specify a name for the Quick Part and choose where to save it (or accept the
default location, which is the Building Blocks.dotx template). This Quick
Part will be easily accessible from Insert tab | Quick Parts.
Thanks, Stefan - it occurred to me after some experimenting that it could be
possible to clone the building blocks.dotx template located in the C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Document Parts\1033 folder and store that
clone away somewhere for safekeeping...then edit the original gallery down to
just what is wanted, by right-clicking on any item (in my case, right click
on any text box in the gallery) which brings up an 'organize and delete'
function similar to Word's Macro Organizer. If the other building blocks are
ever needed, they are safely stored in the clone copy, for future retrieval.
I could swap the two files, copy any desired text boxes to a word.doc, then
swap them back and move the desired copy into the edited-down building
blocks.dotx template. Maybe there's an easier way, but this approach does
get the job done.
Good catch! I have to admit I just assumed that you couldn't delete the
built-in entries so I didn't even test it before replying. :-(

Note that you don't really have to back up the Building Blocks.dotx file; if
you delete the existing file, the default file will be recreated.