Hi Charles,
Is your problem resovled?
If you still have any unclear, please feel free to let me know.
Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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| From: (e-mail address removed) (Jeffrey Tan[MSFT])
| Organization: Microsoft
| Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2003 03:57:39 GMT
| Subject: RE: How do I ... Make the Calendar pop up over other controls
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| Hi Charles,
| I think what Ignacio said is clear to implement your logic.
| But I think you also should set the div's postion properly in script code,
| such as: you may need the div to follow the move of your mouse, you can
| this down by handle the onmousemove event. There are many script samples
| the internet, you can search easily.
| Hope this helps,
| Best regards,
| Jeffrey Tan
| Microsoft Online Partner Support
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| --------------------
| | From: Charles Wildner <
[email protected]>
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[email protected]>
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| | Hello,
| |
| | Thanks for responding, could you be more specific? I have to see the
| | code, concepts don't work for me.
| | Also, the results textbox needs to be an asp:TextBox runat server.
| |
| | Charles
| |
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