You are going to need to do a lot of hand server side scripting for each question
In your example the form had 3 fields
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="favcolor" VALUE="value name1">awnser1<BR>
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="favcolor" VALUE="value name2">awnser2<BR>
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="favcolor" VALUE="value name3">awnser3<P>
You would then check for the right answer (say it is answer2) on the form action .asp page as say
response.write "The answer to favcolor is: "
If Request.Form("favcolor") = "value name2" Then
response.write " Correct"
response.write " Wrong"
End if
|I want to present all questions with a single submit.I have an asp file but I
| cant figure out how to do it that way.
| "p c" wrote:
| > There are different ways of presenting and grading the quiz.
| >
| > Do you wan to present all the questions with a single submit or do you
| > want to present one question at a time.
| >
| > Do you want to present the questions and choices by grabbing them form a
| > database or hard coding them on the page?
| >
| > Do you want to grade them on the client by storing the correct answers
| > on the page and use javascript to grade them or do you wan to store them
| > in a database and grab them from the database to score them onthe server.
| >
| > For a simple quiz with javascript on the client search for "Javascrip
| > quiz" w/o quotes.
| >
| > ...PC
| >
| > Bibliografic Geek wrote:
| >
| > > here's a sample: Quesion here<P>
| > >
| > > <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="favcolor" VALUE="value name1">awnser1<BR>
| > > <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="favcolor" VALUE="value name2">awnser2<BR>
| > > <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="favcolor" VALUE="value name3">awnser3<P>
| > >
| > > just fill in the "anwser1/2/3"s, and "value name1/2/3"s
| > >
| > > "p c" wrote:
| > >
| > >
| > >>HOW do you make the questions?
| > >>
| > >>That and wht tecnolgoies your web server supports will afect how you
| > >>grade the answers. Would you like to elaborate?
| > >>
| > >>...PC
| > >>
| > >>Bibliografic Geek wrote:
| > >>
| > >>>I've figured out how to do the questions, but I cant figure out the grader
| > >>>yet!!I need help.
| > >>
| >