how do I make "NOW" function static

  • Thread starter Thread starter chineshg
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to create a time study template. I want to use "NOW" function on
multiple rows so that I can get the different stamps for the activities i
amrecording. How Do i do it?
To do this manually, A)Select 2 cells, format cells as Date Time in desired
format you prefer. B) Select 1st cell and enter the "=now()" formula, C) hit
f9 to update, and copy this cell; select 2nd cell and paste special values.
Copy 2nd cell D) and paste to desired cell.

To set up as a macro, record the macro for the activity from A) to D). When
you run the macro it will put the current date and time stamp into memory and
you can paste this into any cell you want.

You can then clear the contents from the first two cells to keep your
worksheet clean. If you really want to keep it, remember that this is a one
time only type of macro and the first cell's results will only change if you
leave the original now formula intact. I would clean it up since it just
leaves something there that might cause a mistake.

If you need to make a macro in Excel 2007, make sure the developer tab is
showing. To make the developer tab show choose the Office Button and choose
Excel Options on the bottom of the drop down, check the Show Developer tab
in the ribbon.