How do I make a custom dictionary that disables the default dicti.



I need to limit the words in a document to my specified words. This is for
writing vocabulary controlled childrens readers. I need either a dictionary
function that would mark any word not listed in my specified words, or some
type of database function that would limit words to my specified words.

M.L. Sco Scofield

Access does not have documents, so I can only assume you are using a word

This group is for Microsoft Access, not accessing programs or files on your

As you posted your question in a Microsoft newsgroup, I can also only assume
that you are using Microsoft Word as your word processor.

For Microsoft Word problems you need to ask your question in one of the 29
Word newsgroups that all start with: microsoft.public.word

If you are not using Microsoft Word as your word processing program, you are
on your own to find an appropriate news server and group for the product you
are using.

Good luck.


M.L. "Sco" Scofield, Microsoft Access MVP, MCSD, MCP, MSS, A+
Denver Area Access Users Group Vice President
MS Colorado Events Administrator
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