Windows XP How do i make a copy of my drivers?

Jan 27, 2007
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Just got my new pc today but mesh do not give you a copy of the drivers for the pc you have to make a copy of them from the pc but im having problems finding them on the pc with vista.
Can anyone tell me how to do it plz im using vista home premium.
You will need to copy them from the Drivers folder on your C: drive to a disc.:thumb:
Hope you enjoy your ownership of a mesh computer.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the reply murdoch.
The c drive was the first place i went to but all there is in there are folders for antivirus and cybalink no drivers for the pc hardware.
They will be their somewhere you may have to open all folders up until you find them!!
This is a quote from Mesh given to another user when the same question was asked on another forum:

We do do the next best thing though, an automated script grabs the drivers used during production and stores them in the C:\DRIVERS directory. I note that you say you did not have the getting started sheet that advised you of the C:\DRIVERS directory which is highly unusual given the method by which those sheets are now placed into the boxes. It is possible that at the point your system was being packed there may have been a temporary shortage of the sheets so rather than hold the system back, it was sent on without. Luckily though, the same information is repeated in the A4 user guide we supply with the system.
Sounds like all Mesh machines should have a C:\Drivers directory, and also documentation explaining what to do.
Yep i have the sheet telling what to do but its not very clear it says
( we strongly recommend you copy your drivers onto a cd using cyberlinks power2go. to locate the folder open my computer double click C local disk and should see a yellow folder called drivers.)
I see the folder called drivers but like i say when i go into it the only 3 files in there are antivirus, cyberlink and isp.
The anitvirus folder is enpty the cyberlink folder has a folder inside called DVD_solutions with a lot of stuff in and the ISP folder has Isp icons in
As its a new PC - I suggest you contact Mesh and ask them - or post over at the Hexus forums where someone called 'Davey' will apparently try and help you.

Good luck!!
Did you already load the vista?
I loaded windows vista ultimate on my computer and it loaded all the driver itself.
Since it was used hard drive from another computer and i am sure that driver was not the right one. I slide the dvd in and start installing the vista. i had the option to formate and delete the driver. i did both. once it loaded the OS. i had all the driver loaded itself except the video card driver was not the right one ( i have thread regarding the video card issue couple days before).
I had to add a agp (or pci) card and it is working fine. It seems like windows vista does not support some onboard card.
Thanks all for your help.
Its ok i don't need the drivers now as the pc has stopped working it wont get passed the start up screen i get a big thick line running down the center of the screen i can't enter the start up and the pressig the f10 key at start up dos not work as well.
Looks like you were right about mesh.
Thanks m8.
Have phoned the support center and was told it is some thing to do with the hardwair so i will have to wait till monday now to get in touch with there technical support center.
As soon as i no any thing ill post it on here
In my honest opinion, if i were you, I'd send it back and cut my losses.....:(

.....and people wonder why we hate mesh.....
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