How do I lock images &/or source code

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How can I lock images and make source code un-viewable to
general public who open it on our website so it cannot be
You can't. When it is viewed in the browser
it is already in the visitors computer.

You can "deter" people with a script that disallows
right clicking and saving an image. But the truth is
they don't work.

The best thing to do is use a degraded image or one that
is watermarked with your name.


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...............................with a computer
How can I lock images and make source code un-viewable to
general public who open it on our website so it cannot be
Not possible.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.
Putting them in Flash won't protect your images, they can still be captured
and your source code can still be accessed (Flash and HTML)

Theresa Bennett
"The worksite for designers and developers."
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Despite all the hype, there is really nothing you can do to prevent images
from being copied. Digital Watermarks offer a means to possibly track down
violators. That's about the best you can do. Anyone that tells you otherwise
is doing you a disservice.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Complex things are made up of
lots of simple things.
Kevin Spencer said:
Despite all the hype, there is really nothing you can do to prevent images
from being copied. Digital Watermarks offer a means to possibly track down
violators. That's about the best you can do. Anyone that tells you otherwise
is doing you a disservice.

.... or selling something. (Usually a scam.)
I haven't read any good reliable articles on the current means of search
engines and the means of how they index a site. I used to know they searched
meta tags. My understanding now, is that is rudimentary means of indexing
now. I'm told/reading that the search engines are now indexing the content
of a site, i.e., the actual text. Would this be accurate according to this
groups opinions?

Jm (Website Templates) (Brand New Free Forum)
Go Ahead, Check it out, after all, it's free!
It seems to me that they basically ignore "keywords"
these days and actually index the text on the page.
They also seem to be keying on relevant page titles.
( as long as it isn't" new page 1" etc )
At least with google anyway.

This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer

I haven't read any good reliable articles on the current means of search
engines and the means of how they index a site. I used to know they searched
meta tags. My understanding now, is that is rudimentary means of indexing
now. I'm told/reading that the search engines are now indexing the content
of a site, i.e., the actual text. Would this be accurate according to this
groups opinions?

Jm (Website Templates) (Brand New Free Forum)
Go Ahead, Check it out, after all, it's free!
Despite all the hype, there is really nothing you can do to prevent images
from being copied. Digital Watermarks offer a means to possibly track down
violators. That's about the best you can do. Anyone that tells you otherwise
is doing you a disservice.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.
Google will index all of the content on your page, they have no limit.
Actually indexing the page content is more efficient, since it is the actual
content that site visitor will see, verse meta tags which have been abused.

Have you ever searched for a term, then gone to one of the results, but
can't see the search term anywhere in the site? This is the abuse of meta


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.
Actually it's more efficient, as the search
returns the actual text from the page that contains the
term you are looking for. It also indexes the entire
page, not just some blown out of proportion and useless
keyword list with 200 words in it.