There is no "next sheet" or "previous sheet" function available. You
have to hard code the sheet reference in formula or use VBA. For a
formula on Sheet1, use
to return A1 from Sheet2. Similarly, on sheet2, you would have
to get A1 from Sheet3. The single apostrophes are required in the
formula only if the sheet name contains spaces, but are harmless if
the sheet name does not contain spaces.
You can create a function in VBA to get the next worksheet and then
use that in an INDIRECT call. EEG.,
This will return the value in the cell A1 on the worksheet following
the worksheet on which the formula was entered.
The VBA code for NextSheet and its brother PrevSheet is shown below:
Function NextSheet(Optional R As Range, _
Optional Wrap As Boolean = False) As String
' NextSheet
' Return the name of the worksheet following the
' sheet contains R is R is not Nothing or following
' the sheet whence the function was called. If Wrap
' is omitted or False and the present sheet has no
' Next sheet, the result is vbNullString. If Wrap
' is True, and the present sheet is the last sheet,
' the code wraps around to the first sheet.
' The returned sheet name is enclosed in apostrophes.
Dim WS As Worksheet
If R Is Nothing Then
Set WS = Application.Caller.Parent
Set WS = R.Worksheet
End If
If Not WS.Next Is Nothing Then
NextSheet = "'" & WS.Next.Name & "'"
If Wrap = False Then
NextSheet = vbNullString
NextSheet = "'" & WS.Parent.Worksheets(1).Name & "'"
End If
End If
End Function
Function PrevSheet(Optional R As Range, _
Optional Wrap As Boolean = False) As String
' PrevSheet
' Return the name of the worksheet before the
' sheet contains R is R is not Nothing or before
' the sheet whence the function was called. If Wrap
' is omitted or False and the present sheet has no
' Previous sheet, the result is vbNullString. If Wrap
' is True, and the present sheet is the first sheet,
' the code wraps around to the last sheet.
' The returned sheet name is enclosed in apostrophes.
Dim WS As Worksheet
If R Is Nothing Then
Set WS = Application.Caller.Parent
Set WS = R.Worksheet
End If
If Not WS.Previous Is Nothing Then
PrevSheet = "'" & WS.Previous.Name & "'"
If Wrap = False Then
PrevSheet = vbNullString
With WS.Parent.Worksheets
PrevSheet = "'" & .Item(.Count).Name & "'"
End With
End If
End If
End Function
Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP 1998 - 2010
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
[email on web site]