I just finished doing this with my Introduction to Education class this
afternoon. The basic idea is to create a slide for each question. Make
each answer a button or hypertext link. Link wrong answers to the "Wrong
Answer; Try Again" slide. On this slide, put a button and set the Action
Settings for this button to hyperlink to "Last Slide Viewed." For the
right answers, you will need a right answer slide for each question
(because Last Slide Viewed can only take you back to the same question).
The button for the Right Answer slides will link to the next question.
Next, you want to go to the Slide Show Menu (or ribbon in 2007) and
choose Set Up Show. Choose the option for Browsed at a Kiosk (so the
students can't just click from slide to slide.
John's idea of using a Custom Show will work for the Wrong Answer (and
then the button on the slide would be hyperlinked to "End Show"), but
you would still need multiple slides for the Right Answer.